Various Artists "Magical Connection 2020"
This is a compilation of new generation Shibuya-kei, compiled and supervised by Sally Kubota (The Scooters, ex-SOLEIL, les 5-4-3-2-1, The Phantom Gift). Featured are a few brand new recordings, including new SOLEIL covers by microstar (songwriters of "Baby Boo"), Tweedees...
Posted on November 23, 2020 at 10:40. | Released on November 25, 2020
Posted on November 6, 2020 at 21:26. | Event held on Saturday November 7, 2020 at 11:30 (JST)
Full-text search results for AMANO Natsu
Tokyo's Coolest Sound radio show on La Face B: "Tokyo's Coolest Sound" vol.26
This is Tokyo's Coolest Sound's own radio show, which is featured on La Face B (Facebook page), an Internet radio based in Montréal (Québec, Canada). It brings you some favorite songs and artists that you've read about in these...
Posted on April 14, 2022 at 23:51.
Tokyo's Coolest Sound radio show on La Face B: "Tokyo's Coolest Sound" vol.13
This is Tokyo's Coolest Sound's own radio show, which is featured on La Face B (Facebook page), an Internet radio based in Montréal (Québec, Canada). It brings you some favorite songs and artists that you've read about in these...
Posted on January 28, 2021 at 01:13.
Record Day 2020
Record Day 2020, ran by Japan's long-running record factory Tōyōkasei, is just about to happen this November 3rd. Being on the same day as Japan's "Culture Day", it's a day off well spent doing record shopping. Record Day items are...
Posted on November 3, 2020 at 01:59. | Released on November 3, 2020
Interview: Izumi "Mimi" Kobayashi
Original interview text by Takashi Ikegami Translated from Japanese by Patrick Benny (Tokyo's Coolest Sound) Izumi "Mimi" Kobayashi (below "Mimi") is an interesting artist from actually many perspectives. First, there is the one where she expresses original works as the...
Posted on November 2, 2020 at 00:25.
Record Store Day 2019
Record Store Day 2019 is just around the corner! This year it's to be held on April 13, a week earlier than usual. This year again there are many great releases happening in Japan. Below are Tokyo's Coolest Sound's picks!...
Posted on April 11, 2019 at 22:33. | Released on April 13, 2019
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Hello! I am currently trying to find two [...]" -jens
"I will always love Konishi-san, but God, [...]" -Damian
"I love the album. Konishi made a great selection [...]" -Jorge Cano
"I LOVE your music!! Thank you all so [...]" -James Walden
"Oops! So sorry and I'm very embarrassed. [...]" -James Walden
"I love the HEY GIRL track!! any idea of who [...]" -Damian
"Keep awaiting word for the vinyl release [...]" -Patrick
"en asturiano [...]" -pelayu
"I like Yuko because Yuko is a lovely..... [...]" -"O"
"oh this is great. i'm a huge yes, mama ok? [...]" -oliver
"best track is either shoplifting blues, sun [...]" -aviston
"Please come to Vienna/Europe aswell! [...]" -Eric Unbekannt
"can i translate this into chinese?it [...]" -percy
"This was such a great interview, thank you [...]" -Blutsvater3
"Rajamtaim please [...]" -Daison
"Wow! What a wonderful come back!! [...]" -Damian