
On this page:

Tokyo's Coolest Sound elsewhere on the web

Here are other places where to find us on the web and connect.

@coolestsound on Twitter
Follow us for our updates and more
Facebook page
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Tokyo's Coolest Sound's radio show archives. You can also read about each in the Radio section.
Spotify playlist
Lots of recommended music is added here. Shuffle and enjoy! (Updated irregularly)
YouTube playlists
Recommended videos are added in yearly playlists (Updated irregularly)

Links to artists, labels, news...

Looking for artists, labels and music news? Visit these links where we keep lists of the best we know of.

@coolestsound/ Twitter list
Japanese artists and labels using Twitter
@coolestsound/music Twitter list
News-oriented Twitter accounts link portal
Artist, label, music news, Japan links and more. The RSS feed tells when linked sites are updated.

Some favorite sites in English about Japanese music.

Tokyo Gig Guide
User-contributed list of upcoming shows in Tokyo. A must for those in town!
Tons of information about hundreds of Japanese artists. Contribute what you know too!
Artistic agency presenting Japanese contemporary creativity (music, dance, media arts, performance).

And some Japanese music blogs of similar taste.

J-Rock Explosion
Just what it says!
Neaux Clicked On It
Constant flow of recent YouTube clips by Japanese artists.
Make Believe Melodies
Quality write-ups on the latest artists and releases.
Memories of Shibuya
A recent blog with a strong dedication to Shibuya-kei.

For more sites where to buy Japanese CDs, check out the How to buy page.

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