salyu x salyu "s(o)un(d)beams+" (DVD)

salyu x salyu ("salyu by salyu"), the project of singer Salyu produced by Oyamada Keigo (Cornelius) has a live DVD out now! This contains an entire show from the tour that supported the excellent album "s(o)un(d)beams". The show features singer Salyu along with 3 look-alikes, the "salyu x salyu sisters", who make it possible to recreate the layered vocals as heard on recording. Of course Cornelius is part of the band, playing guitar and other instruments.

The DVD also contains 5 video clips.

salyu x salyu "s(o)un(d)beams+" (DVD)
(Region 2 NTSC, 150 min.)

"s(o)un(d)beams+" at Yokosuka Arts Theatre (Nov. 1, 2011)
1. overture
2. tada no tomodachi
3. muse'ic
4. Sailing Days
5. kokoro
6. utaimashō
7. Our Prayer ~ Heroes And Villains
8. Rainboots de odorimashō
9. s(o)un(d)beams
10. Hostile To Me
11. Hammond Song
12. hanashitai anata to
13. dorei
14. tsuzuki o
15. Mirror Neurotic
16. Calling
17. May You Always

Video clips
1. tada no tomodachi (bunwari ver.)
2. tada no tomodachi (gōsei ver.)
3. Sailing Days
4. hanashitai anata to
5. muse'ic (muse'ic visualiser ver.1.0 demo)

Special movie
1. Live Spot
2. Live Digest

Toy's Factory
Out now (2/1), ¥4500
Order: Amazon (27% off), HMV (15% off), CDJapan, YesAsia

"tada no tomodachi"


Find out more about: Cornelius, Salyu

Posted on | Released on February 1, 2012 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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