Gig report: Nakatsuka Takeshi "53512010" Release Cruise

Text and photos by Patrick Benny for Tokyo's Coolest Sound

中塚武Last week, on Friday September 24, I had the chance to go to a live event in a very special place. Nakatsuka Takeshi threw a release party for his new download-only album "53512010", a collaboration with fashion brand 5351 Pour Les Hommes.

The event was held aboard Jicoo Floating Bar, which transforms Matsumoto Leiji-designed futuristic water bus Himiko into a bar at night. At the entrance, all passengers were given a specially designed digipak CD sleeve complete with a blank CD-R, meant to hold the new album. I felt sympathy for artists who really care about having their works come in a nice package even in this digital age, here going all the way to distribute a package separately from the download.

I say "passengers" because the boat actually goes back and forth between Hinode and Odaiba ports, people going "ohh!" every time we passed under Rainbow Bridge. Beware of seasickness though. :)

NAKATSUKA Takeshi "53512010"中塚武

Takeshi played 2 sets accompanied by the same band I had seen the month before at Rocketman Summer Fes. Live synths and sax (sometimes flute)! The sets featured about half of the songs from the new album, and other of his hit tracks.

1st set: Stompin' Jack Flash / Sweet Moment / Cosmic Freeway / Circus (Set Me Free) / You are the One
2nd set: Countdown to the End of Time / sagishi no Blues / On and On / You are the One / Encore: Kiss and Ride / kita no kuni kara


In-between were DJ sets by Kimishima Marie, Inagee and Kazyanight. The outer-space interior and lit-up dancefloor definitely made for a unique party space. Thanks for a fun party, and also the digipak and CD-R on which I burnt the album from iTunes as soon as I got home.

Larger sizes and more photos at Flickr

Find out more about: NAKATSUKA Takeshi

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