Gig report: HNC Release Party "Cult Club"

Text and photos by Patrick Benny for Tokyo's Coolest Sound

Friday April 30 was the overdue release party for HNC's album "Cult" released last December. HNC used to be known as Hazel Nuts Chocolate, the solo project of a girl called Yuppa. Other than changing the unit name to just initials, "Cult" also marked a big change in terms of lyrics, while she used to mostly sing in Japanese this time the whole album's lyrics are in English! Also to release this album she created a new label called White Lily Records, for which she has also been making stickers, badges, and also releasing limited edition cassette tapes sold at Jet Set (though they sell out almost instantly).

The release party was held at Nakameguro solfa, a small club which has a lounge area a slightly larger main floor. DJs included Kaji Hideki, Matsuda "Chabe" Gakuji (Cubismo Grafico), Halfby, and Twee Grrrls Club of which Yuppa is a member, and many more young faces. The lounge area had some free snacks.

I really enjoyed Kaji Hideki's fun DJ set, which consisted mostly of guitar pop played from 7"'s. He also played April March and Yukari Fresh's "lost and found".


Right after, we headed to the main floor to see what was going on, and we caught Miila and the Geeks which had just began a set. Miila is part of DJ unit Love and Hates together with Yuppa. Here she played guitar accompanied with two guys, one on an electric drum pad and the other on sax. They reminded me a bit of Le Tigre, and the distorted vocals also gave me a flashback of Doo Rag! (Anyone knows Doo Rag? I saw them when they toured with Beck for the "Loser" tour.)


Then there was some fun DJing that we watched while waiting for HNC's set coming up next. HNC had Motocompo's Dr.Usui on guitar for support. A DJ would play the backtracks, and an occasional siren sample, sometimes some scratching, during while Yuppa-chan sang while playing parts on her synth and toy piano, or playing a tambourine.


I guess that pretty much all of the new album was played, as well as the two more recent download releases that I love, "Don't You Think You Come To Love Me" and "Gu-gli Gu gli". On the other hand, I think no older song (from album "Cute" for example) was played! That was a very fun show nevertheless!

Towards the end, Yuppa was joined by Miila and Twee Grrrls Club for the last two songs, "Witches Party" and "Kitten Breaks" if I remember right. I'd really have liked Miila to also join for "Next M", my favorite song from the album that credits her for shouting.


By the time of HNC's set the club had gotten more crowded and filled-up with smoke, so we didn't stay much longer.


More photos at Flickr

Find out more about: Cubismo Grafico, Halfby, HNC, KAJI Hideki

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DJ Kaji Hideki? Wow, tha's cool!!!

Posted by Damian on May 8, 2010 at 02:56

Yeah! Actually he also has his regular party called Blue Boys Club where he DJ's every 2 months.

Posted by Patrick on May 8, 2010 at 08:12

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