Momoko Motion and Quilts "Fake Food (Quilts version)" (Download)

Singer-songwriter Momoko Motion's new project, Momoko Motion and Quilts, has just released a 5th song digitally! This one is a self-cover of her solo song "Fake Food" (find the original jazzy piano version here), but this time performed with her band. Check out the fun and charming music video below, which starts with a cooking lesson (Momoko is also a skilled cook!). The music will begin by the time you get hungry. By the way the lesson teaches how to cook tasty & spicy curry with only ingredients found at the convenience store.

The music is performed by Kazuaki Koyama (SoundCloud) on guitar and keyboards, Teruyuki Ōshima on bass, and Tatsuya Tsuyuki on drums.

This new song follows "Department store", "Triangles and the relationship", "Feeling Vegetables" and "High". These will lead to the upcoming album "Lemon is gray".

Momoko Motion and Quilts "Fake Food (Quilts version)" (Download)
Momoko Motion and Quilts 「フェイクフード (Quilts version)」

Out now (5/25)
Sample/buy: Single by Momoko Motion on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music

"Fake Food" music video + cooking lesson

Find out more about: Momokomotion

Posted on | Released on May 25, 2022 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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