Marinon "SriSriSri Lanka" (Download)

Marinon (who changed her artist name from "marino" in 2018) has just released a brand new song digitally, titled "SriSriSri Lanka". The catchy rap tune made of breakbeats and exotic scales links with her passion for tea (Marinon runs an online tea shop). Check out the new song below!

Since Marinon's latest album is "watashi wa kōchayasan" (also known as "I'm Tea Shop Owner" released in 2017 as marino) (‎I'm Tea Shop Owner by marino on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music), she also released single "Halloween Tea Party" in 2019 (‎まりのんの "オバケのティーパーティー - Single"をApple Musicで, Spotify, YouTube Music).

Marinon "SriSriSri Lanka" (Download)
まりのん 「スリスリスリランカ」

Castleton Music
Out now (9/18)
Sample/buy: ‎まりのんの "スリスリスリランカ - Single"をApple Musicで, Spotify, YouTube Music, OTOTOY

Find out more about: marino

Posted on | Released on September 18, 2021 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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