METAFIVE "The Paramedics" (Download)

METAFIVE suddenly released today a brand new song, titled "The Paramedics"! The music video was directed by METAFIVE and is made up of excerpts from the films of Takashi Itō. It had already been 11 months since the song "Environmental" was released digitally.

It was announced last month that a new album titled "METAATEM" will be released on August 11! Stay tuned for details.

METAFIVE "The Paramedics" (Download)

Warner Music
Out now (6/25)
Sample/buy: ‎METAFIVE (高橋幸宏 × 小山田圭吾 × 砂原良徳 × TOWA TEI × ゴンドウトモヒコ × LEO今井)の "The Paramedics - Single"をApple Musicで, Spotify, YouTube Music

Find out more about: Cornelius, GONDO Tomohiko, Leo IMAI, Metafive, SUNAHARA Yoshinori, TAKAHASHI Yukihiro, Towa Tei

Posted on | Released on June 25, 2021 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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