HASYMO / Yellow Magic Orchestra "Rescue / Rydeen 79/07"

Yellow Magic Orchestra has a new single coming up on their label commmons! Coupled with the recent new version of their classic "Rydeen", which was used in a Kirin Lager commercial earlier this year, is a new song called "Rescue" under the nickname HASYMO (HAS refers to their other project Human Audio Sponge).
The two songs will be offered in a strange format, with one CD for each.

"Rescue" is to be used in the animated movie "Appleseed - Ex Machina" coming to theatres on October 20, which by the way will also include songs by Hosono Haruomi, Tei Towa, Cornelius, Rei Harakami, m-flo and more.

HASYMO / Yellow Magic Orchestra "Rescue / Rydeen 79/07"

HASYMO / Yellow Magic Orchestra "Rescue / Rydeen 79/07" HASYMO / Yellow Magic Orchestra "Rescue / Rydeen 79/07"CD 1
1. Rescue

CD 2
2. Rydeen 79/07

commmons RZCM-45642
Out 8/22, ¥1000 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV, YesAsia, HASYMO - RESCUE / RYDEEN 79/07 - Single, Amazon U.S.

Posted on | Released on August 22, 2007 | Comments (1) | Tweet |



this YMO CDs are also available on amazon.de marketplace for 7.50 Euro plus 3 Euro shipping by some Japanese vendor in the moment of this post.

Posted by Markus Kreisel on August 22, 2007 at 04:48

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