Game Soundtrack "Namco 'kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan daijiten' Original Soundtrack"

The soundtrack for Namco's PSP and PS2 word game "kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan daijiten" will contain the remixes by Nakata Yasutaka (capsule), Hayashibe Tomonori (Plus-tech Squeeze Box) and Akira Suzuki (Sonic Coaster Pop, Usagi-chang Records).

MP3s of several songs, including the 3 remixes, can be downloaded on the official site's download page.

Game Soundtrack "Namco 'kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan daijiten' Original Soundtrack"
「ナムコ『ことばのパズル もじぴったん大辞典』オリジナル・サウンドトラック」

Game Soundtrack "Namco 'kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan daijiten' Original Soundtrack"1. Hello World
2. smile! smile!
3. Bambini
4. sono neko no na wa Andre
5. Portable
6. Positive Walkin'
7. cherry
8. mojimoji Mode
9. Tick up
10. Stars
11. Bedtime Puzzler
12. futari no Mojipittan (fine c'est la mix)
13. wa-zu wa-zu no mahō (easter egg mix)
14. Piacevole! (PEPPERMIMT mix)
15. All Over the Word
16. on and on
17. jisho no ongaku
18. Stage Clear
19. Congratulations!
20. Sigh on Sunday
21. estrellita
22. [ai]
23. paradox
24. futari no zenopittan
25. SE shū

Pony Canyon PCCR-90020
Out 3/15, ¥2500 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon

Posted on | Released on March 15, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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