kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan daijiten

MojipittanThere's a word game of the Mojipittan series being released for Sony's PSP, the new portable game unit out 12/12, that will feature songs remixed by Nakata Yasutaka (Capsule), Hayashibe Tomonori (Plus-Tech Squeezebox) and Akira Suzuki (Sonic Coaster Pop).

The game is some sort of Scrabble clone played with hiragana. Existing Japanese words must be formed to fill up the board and clear the stage.
A Shockwave sample is available to try it out on the Web.

kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan daijiten
ことばのパズル もじぴったん大辞典

By Namco for Sony PSP (Playstation Portable)

First edition
Out 2004/12/12, ¥4725
Order: Amazon

2005 cheaper re-release
Out 2005/11/17, ¥2800
Order: Amazon

Posted on | Released on December 12, 2004 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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