Cornelius "'Ghost In The Shell Shin Gekijoban' O.S.T.", Sakamoto Maaya Cornelius "anata o tamotsu mono / mada ugoku"

Following "Ghost In The Shell Arise" (2013), once again Cornelius produced the soundtrack for sequel "Ghost In The Shell Shin Gekijōban" (official site, Wikipedia). A single for songs "anata o tamotsu mono" (opening theme of TV series "Ghost In The Shell Arise Alternative Architecture") and "mada ugoku" (the film's main theme), both sung by voice actress Sakamoto Maaya, was also released at the same time, and includes non-album track "Tokyo samui".

HMV and Tower Records give away a promo sticker (while supplies last).

Cornelius "'Ghost In The Shell Shin Gekijōban' O.S.T."
Cornelius 「攻殻機動隊 新劇場版 O.S.T.」

1. A Floating Ghost
2. anata o tamotsu mono
3. Execution No.9
4. Moments In Love (Piano)
5. Body / Head
6. An Electric Storm
7. Fall All
8. Split Spirit
9. In Search Of Many
10. Scylla
11. Memories Fade
12. Involution No.9
13. Vrinda
14. Heart Grenade
15. Deep Breathing
16. Highway Friendly Type 2
17. Strange Obsession
18. Moments In Love (Harp)
19. mada ugoku
20. All Fall

Flying Dog VTCL-60400
Out now (6/17), ¥2900 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV, Tower Records , YesAsia, コーネリアス
† Tower Records ships directly within Japan only. International orders are available via WorldShopping.

Sakamoto Maaya Cornelius "anata o tamotsu mono / mada ugoku"
坂本真綾 コーネリアス 「あなたを保つもの / まだうごく」

1. anata o tamotsu mono
2. mada ugoku
3. Tokyo samui

Flying Dog VTCL-35211
Out now (6/17), ¥1300 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV, Tower Records , YesAsia, 坂本真綾 コーネリアス
† Tower Records ships directly within Japan only. International orders are available via WorldShopping.

"'Ghost In The Shell Shin Gekijoban' O.S.T." teaser clip

"anata o tamotsu mono / mada ugoku" teaser clip

Find out more about: Cornelius

Posted on | Released on June 17, 2015 | Comments (2) | Tweet |


New Cornelius comp in Aug not yet on your calendar. Hmm, this one not titled "CM", but "Constellations of Music" which abbr.s to Cm.. coincidnce?

Posted by Ed in DC on July 30, 2015 at 09:58

Thanks, it's now on my list!
Interesting about the title! :)

Posted by Patrick on July 30, 2015 at 18:53

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