xiangyu "ireba" (Download)

xiangyu (Twitter, Instagram) has a new song out now digitally. Following the song "katappo Shoes" (released in March) which talked about an abandoned single shoe on a highway, this one is about a similar situation when she was taking a walk and found... "dentures".

Like the recent singles, this is a collaboration with trackmaker/composer/guitarist Gimgigam, who this time includes some drum'n'bass and surf rock elements.

xiangyu also just recently participated in a remix of a song by Coldhot (Twitter). Check out "Dotmetry (xiangyu's Chicken Remix)": ‎Dotmetry(xiangyu's Chicken Remix) - Single by Coldhot & xiangyu on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music, OTOTOY.

xiangyu "ireba" (Download)
xiangyu 「入れ歯」

Kujaku Club
Out now (5/3)
Sample/buy: ‎入れ歯 - Single by xiangyu & Gimgigam on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music

Music video

Official audio clip

Find out more about: Gimgigam, xiangyu

Posted on | Released on May 3, 2023 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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