Eccentric female rap electro-pop unit suiyōbi no Campanella has a new album out now! Several videos have been unveiled to promote the release. Check them out below!
suiyōbi no Campanella "Zipangu"
水曜日のカンパネラ 「ジパング」
1. Shakushain
2. Cho Hakkai
3. Medusa
4. Ra-
5. Twiggy
6. uran-chan
7. Light kyōdai
8. Ono Imoko
9. Nishi Tamao
10. Match uri no shōjo
Tsubasa Records TRNW-0150
Out now (11/11), ¥2315 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Amazon, HMV, Tower Records †, YesAsia
† Tower Records ships directly within Japan only. International orders are available via WorldShopping.
"Ono Imoko"
Posted on November 16, 2015 at 23:48
| Released on November 11, 2015
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