jenny01 "Listen or Love"

jenny01's 3rd major mini-album is produced by Sunaga Tatsuo. It will contain a cover of Ōnuki Taeko's "tokai", a song produced by Abe Noboru (Studio Apartment), a remix of debut song "Monologue" by Ikeda Masanori (Mansfield), and appearances by Takamiya Eitetsu (Little Big Bee), Okuyama Minako and Takizawa Kentarō.

jenny01 "Listen or Love"jenny01 "Listen or Love"

1. tokai
2. rain rain
3. Melody
4. sabaku no jūtan
5. New Season
6. My first recipe (Remix)
7. Monologue (Remix)

Imperial/Teichiku TECI-1139
Out 10/4, ¥1905 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, Amazon U.S.

Find out more about: IKEDA Masanori

Posted on | Released on October 4, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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