Meg "Beam"

Following single "OK", electro-pop singer Meg has a full album coming up. It's entirely produced by Nakata Yasutaka (capsule) and, guess what, it's out on the same day as the new capsule album, "Flash Back"! It also includes a cover of capsule's "dreamin dreamin" (from "FRUITS CLiPPER").

Meg "Beam"

MEG "BEAM"1. amai zeitaku
2. In Your Eyes
3. Girly Step
4. Love Letter
5. Dreamin Dreamin
6. Ok
7. Model
8. Romantika
9. Love Letter
10. Girly Step

Universal UPCH-1571
Out 12/5, ¥2381 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV, YesAsia, MEG - BEAM, Amazon U.S.

Posted on | Released on December 5, 2007 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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