capsule "capsule rmx"

capsule has a first remix album coming up, actually a collection of the best remixes previously released all self-remixes by Nakata Yasutaka, of songs from recent albums "Sugarless GiRL", "FRUITS CLiPPER" and "L.D.K. Lounge Designers Killer".

All songs can be sampled at MySpace

capsule "capsule rmx"

capsule "capsule rmx"1. capsule rmx ->
2. jelly (rmx ver.)
3. Sugarless GiRL (rmx ver.)
4. CrazEEE Skyhopper (rmx ver.)
5. Portable Airport (rmx ver.)
6. do do pi do (rmx ver.)
7. Lounge Designers Killer (rmx ver.)
8. Sound of Silence (rmx ver.)
9. Glider (rmx ver.)

contemode YCCC-10010
Out 10/10, ¥2200 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV, YesAsia, capsule - capsule rmx, Amazon U.S.

Posted on | Released on October 10, 2007 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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