Crazy Ken Band's next single is self-described as a proposal song for tough guys. Mellow soul with a hip beat.
The B-side will be the song "sukatto sawayaka" that was made for a Coca-Cola commercial featuring Yokoyama Ken himself. ii ne!!!
Crazy Ken Band "merimeri -I Wanna Marry Marry You-"
1. merimeri
2. CKB Radio Show Honmoku Meri Meri Station
3. 37°C Powered By CKB-Annex
4. Emcee
5. 魂拳 (Soul Punch) Powered By CKB-Annex
6. Emcee
Substance BSCL-35023
Out 7/26, ¥952 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Hello! I am currently trying to find two [...]" -jens
"I will always love Konishi-san, but God, [...]" -Damian
"I love the album. Konishi made a great selection [...]" -Jorge Cano
"I LOVE your music!! Thank you all so [...]" -James Walden
"Oops! So sorry and I'm very embarrassed. [...]" -James Walden
"I love the HEY GIRL track!! any idea of who [...]" -Damian
"Keep awaiting word for the vinyl release [...]" -Patrick
"en asturiano [...]" -pelayu
"I like Yuko because Yuko is a lovely..... [...]" -"O"
"oh this is great. i'm a huge yes, mama ok? [...]" -oliver
"best track is either shoplifting blues, sun [...]" -aviston
"Please come to Vienna/Europe aswell! [...]" -Eric Unbekannt
"can i translate this into chinese?it [...]" -percy
"This was such a great interview, thank you [...]" -Blutsvater3
"Rajamtaim please [...]" -Daison
"Wow! What a wonderful come back!! [...]" -Damian