Cornelius' site has been renewed with a 360° Quicktime VR of a room, of which one of the walls says "Cornelius new single MUSIC 8/23". The single will include the song "clap & whistle & walking" previously released on compilation "Rhythm de asobō: Reaching Series No.2", and the Vodafone commercial song "Gum".
It's been almost 5 years since his last original album "Point".
Cornelius "Music"
1. Music
2. Gum
3. clap & whistle & walking
4. The Star-Spangled-Gayo
Warner WPCL-10331
Out 8/23, ¥1143 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, Amazon U.S.
4 years??? Wasn't Point released in 2001? So that's nearly 5 years!!
Now, I hope this one will recover Cornelius' best!!!
Posted by Damian on June 1, 2006 at 11:53
Indeed, "almost 5 years" could have been more to the point. :)
Can't wait for new koneri! ("Toner" was good, but short.)
Posted by Patrick on June 1, 2006 at 11:58
Wasn't Star Spangled-Gayo on one of those Tower Records bonus discs or something. So really we are just getting one new song, right? :)
Posted by Mark on June 13, 2006 at 11:35
Now that you mention it... sounds familiar! :)
At least I believe that it's "Gum"'s first release too (hoping it's not only the 15 seconds used in the commercial).
Posted by Patrick on June 13, 2006 at 11:39
I was so jealous of everyone in Japan being able to get the new single until I read this!
Posted by Ian on August 24, 2006 at 08:46
Everyone has seen the video on YouTube too, still not a reason not to buy the single if you like it, right?
Posted by Patrick on August 24, 2006 at 10:20
Of course not! It's just frustrating when something comes out in another country first!
Posted by Ian on August 25, 2006 at 23:24
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Hello! I am currently trying to find two [...]" -jens
"I will always love Konishi-san, but God, [...]" -Damian
"I love the album. Konishi made a great selection [...]" -Jorge Cano
"I LOVE your music!! Thank you all so [...]" -James Walden
"Oops! So sorry and I'm very embarrassed. [...]" -James Walden
"I love the HEY GIRL track!! any idea of who [...]" -Damian
"Keep awaiting word for the vinyl release [...]" -Patrick
"en asturiano [...]" -pelayu
"I like Yuko because Yuko is a lovely..... [...]" -"O"
"oh this is great. i'm a huge yes, mama ok? [...]" -oliver
"best track is either shoplifting blues, sun [...]" -aviston
"Please come to Vienna/Europe aswell! [...]" -Eric Unbekannt
"can i translate this into chinese?it [...]" -percy
"This was such a great interview, thank you [...]" -Blutsvater3
"Rajamtaim please [...]" -Daison
"Wow! What a wonderful come back!! [...]" -Damian