Rufus "Long Distance"

Watchers of Kyoto label Second Royal will be happy to learn that artist Rufus is finally releasing a full-length album! His previous releases included mini-album "introdufus" (2003) and maxi single "New Arrival EP" (2004), as well as contributions to compilations "Second Royal" and "Second Royal Volume 2".

Sound samples at Rufus' MySpace

Rufus "Long Distance"

Rufus "Long Distance"1. Throw In
2. Planet Jam
3. The Amicable Split
4. Long Distance
5. Beat Shopping
6. Live at the Donald Nut Show
7. Eddie the Extreme (Remix)
8. Call Me Baby
9. Bounce With Me
10. New Arrival (L.D. Mix)
11. Out of Bounds

Second Royal SRCDS-012
Out 7/19, ¥2500 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Amazon

Posted on | Released on July 19, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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