Soundtrack "Summer Timemachine Blues"

The soundtrack for the upcoming sci-fi movie Summer Timemachine Blues, opening this summer, is produced by Halfby!
The movie opens September 3rd.

Soundtrack "Summer Timemachine Blues"

Soundtrack "Summer Timemachine Blues"1. time travellers
2. girls & boys
3. take 5000 a go go
4. mushroom lesson 3
5. summer time blues
6. cucumber funk
7. hunter & collector
8. chop stick score
9. water damage
10. sugar code
11. sign
12. punch the bath
13. love in kagawa
14. past sight seeing
15. Well-Tempered Clavier I, Prelude in C major BWV 846 (remix)

Toy's Factory TFCC-86186
Out 8/24, ¥2381 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon

Posted on | Released on August 24, 2005 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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