arvin homa aya "Amazing"

Singer arvin homa aya, best known for her vocals with Jazztronik, has a second solo album coming up. It will feature collaborations with Sunaga Tatsuo, Fukutomi Yukihiro, Kyoto Jazz Massive, Studio Apartment, Exile, Harukawa Hitoshi, AI, and Minmi. The album will also feature jazz singer akiko.

arvin homa aya "Amazing"

arvin homa aya "Amazing"1. Amazing
2. Girls Are Just Girls feat. akiko
3. Rise Up To The Sun
4. It's Time
5. Dear Friends
6. The Best You Can Be
7. Before You Walk Out Of My Life
8. Don't Wanna Fall In Love feat. JiN
9. Special Night - a Christmas Song -
10. Just As We
11. Everytime

Voicellar/Gate GTCR-05028
Out 10/18, ¥2381 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Amazon, Amazon U.S.

Posted on | Released on October 18, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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