Yakushimaru Etsuko "Venus to Jesus"

Yakushimaru Etsuko (sōtaiseiriron) has a new solo single out now. Title song "Venus to Jesus" ("Venus and Jesus") is the opening theme of anime "Arakawa Under The Bridge".

HMV offers a sticker sheet while supplies last.

Audio samples at HMV

Yakushimaru Etsuko "Venus to Jesus"
やくしまるえつこ 「ヴィーナスとジーザス」

1. Venus to Jesus
2. Mister Mismaker
3. nekomeshi

Out now (5/26), ¥1200
Order: Amazon, HMV, CDJapan, やくしまるえつこ - ウ゛ィーナスとジーザス - EP

"Venus to Jesus"

Find out more about: YAKUSHIMARU Etsuko

Posted on | Released on May 26, 2010 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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