YORUWAKOREKARA "what do u think?" (Download)

Future soul idol group YORUWAKOREKARA (Twitter) has just released a new and last single of two songs. It had been announced that the group will end its activities with the release of this single. The reason is that the COVID-19 situation has made it difficult to operate as a group. However, members Shino, Sayaka and Erika have expressed that they all want to continue singing, and will each continue to make music solo in a self-produced manner.

A last show will be performed on the same day in Osaka. It's sold out, but details to view it online for free can be found here.

Also check out their previous release "VOYAGE -midnight-" and their other works. Also, production unit Blackstone Village released a 3rd EP in December, titled "Dinner is ready" (‎Blackstone Villageの "Dinner is ready - EP"をApple Musicで, Spotify, YouTube Music).

YORUWAKOREKARA "what do u think?" (Download)

1. what do u think?
2. Sepia-iro Memory

Out now (2/13)
Sample/buy: ‎YORUWAKOREKARAの "what do u think? - Single"をApple Musicで, Spotify, OTOTOY

Note: The group name's was lately mostly spelled YORUWA KOREKARA, though here it is spelled like on streaming platforms.

Find out more about: YORUWAKOREKARA

Posted on | Released on February 13, 2022 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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