World Happiness

Takahashi Yukihiro (Yellow Magic Orchestra, Sketch Show) and art director Shindō Mitsuo (Contemporary Production) present this summer festival where can be caught pupa (Takahashi's new all-star unit), HASYMO, Suzuki Keiichi (Moonriders), Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Bonnie Pink, NRT320 (Shindō Mitsuo's new project with Narita Maki) feat. Nomiya Maki, and more.

Unlike most summer festivals, this one will be enjoyed seated (on provided "leisure sheets"), and even young children are welcome, making it a great family outing.

Event official site

World Happiness Love & Mammy and Sometime Daddy Brought to You by TAKAHASHI Yukihiro and SHINDO Mitsuo 高橋幸宏 信藤三雄
World Happiness Love & Mammy and Sometime Daddy Brought to You by TAKAHASHI Yukihiro and SHINDO Mitsuo 高橋幸広 信藤三雄
World Happiness
Love & Mammy and Sometime Daddy

on 8/10 (Sunday)
at Yumenoshima Park, Shinkiba (Odaiba)

Takahashi Yukihiro (YMO)
Shindō Mitsuo (CTPP)

pupa (Takahashi Yukihiro, Harada Tomoyo, Takano Hiroshi, Takada Ren, Horie Hirohisa, Gondō Tomohiko)
HASYMO (Takahashi Yukihiro, Sakamoto Ryūichi, Hosono Haruomi)
Suzuki Keiichi / Captain HATE and The Seasick Sailors feat. Sokabe Keiichi
Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
Bonnie Pink
NRT320 (Shindō Mitsuo, Narita Maki) feat. Nomiya Maki
... and more

Opens at 13:00, starts at 14:00 (ends at 20:00)

Price: ¥8500, elementary school students ¥1050, parent & child ¥9000
Regular sale: Pia 290-762 from 6/8
Special pre-sale: e+ from 5/8 12:00 until 5/14 18:00
Normal pre-sale: e+ from 5/15 12:00 until 5/21 18:00, Pia 290-762 from 5/15 11:00 until 5/21 11:00

Posted on | Released on August 10, 2008 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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