Various Artists "SAG VOYAGE 2006 : summer Archive - Compiled by Kaoru Inoue"

Inoue Kaoru (Chari Chari) selects tracks by artists on and about his label Seeds and Ground, a sub-label of Crue-L Records started in 2003. Most if not all seems previously unreleased.

Various Artists "SAG VOYAGE 2006 : summer Archive - Compiled by Kaoru Inoue"

Various Artists "SAG VOYAGE 2006 : summer Archive - Compiled by Kaoru INOUE"1. Kokoro to Kakera - Oideyo
2. Aurora - Lo Stesso Sangue
3. Echoa - Wishing Well
4. ngoma - Red Stripe
5. Silverstone - Horsepower
6. Gabby & Lopez - Drive From The Miracle (KI remix)
7. Kaoru Inoue - Eclipse of the Moon
8. Silverstone - The Decline
9. Amamjau - asa ni de mo
10. Palmecho - &natsu
11. Aurora - Monshūin

Seeds and Ground SAGCD011
Out 10/25, ¥2500 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Amazon

(Artwork to be added when available.)

Posted on | Released on October 25, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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