Various Artists "Readymade Digs Disney 2"

This time the jacket is... Donald Duck!
The limited edition is supposed to be similar to the previous release.

Various Artists "Readymade Digs Disney 2"

Various Artists "Readymade Digs Disney 2"1. The Sun Came Out (Think Heave-age, Think Ho-age)
2. King Mickey (Mickey Mouse March)
3. The Aristocats
4. Little Boy
5. The Parent Trap
6. Flat Foot Floogie
7. Whistling At The Boys
8. Dream Boy
9. Meetin' At The Malt Shop
10. The Humphrey Hop
11. Chim Chim Cheree
12. Winnie The Pooh
13. Como Esta Usted (Rock La Raspa)
14. The Latin Eskimo (Table of Three's)
15. Mickey Mouse Mambo
16. Sister Suffragette
17. The Maid and The Martian
18. Kanine Krunchies Kommercial
19. Following the Leader (Tee Dum, Tee Dee)
20. The Switch - Hitch (Mixed Combinations)
21. It's a Small World
22. Whistle While You Work
23. Scales and Arpeggios
24. Thomas O'Malley Cat
25. The Rock-a-Cha
26. Shaggy Dog Cha Cha Cha
27. Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
28. Mickey Mouse March Theme (Alma Mater)
29. That Great Come-And-Get-It-Day

Disney AVCW-12426
Out 3/30, ¥2477 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Amazon, Amazon U.S.

Posted on | Released on March 30, 2005 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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