Various Artists "Prescription ~The other side of classic music~"

Here's one with a few months of delay. I hadn't heard about this compilation of "covers" of classical music by rock and pop artists, featuring Kahimi Karie, Kanda Tomoki (producer for Kahimi Karie, Clémentine), Shimizu Hirotaka (formerly guitarist of Bridge, currently touring with Cornelius), Chocolat & Akito, mi-gu (Cornelius' tour drummer) and more.

Various Artists "Prescription ~The other side of classic music~"

Various Artists "Prescription ~The other side of classic music~"1. Shimizu Hirotaka featuring Chocolat & Akito / Strenger in Paradise (Polovtsian dance)
2. Shimizu Hirotaka / Gymnopedies
3. Kanda Tomoki / Clair de Lune
4. Hosomi Sakana / Clair de Lune
5. Ueda Tadashi / Pomp and Circuma stance. Op39 No. 1 in D major
6. Shimizu Hirotaka featuring Kahimi Karie / Ave Maria
7. Kanda Tomoki / Reverie
8. Ueda Kenji / Pavane pour une Infante Defunte
9. Kanda Tomoki / Nocturne No. 2
10. Kanda Tomoki / Air on G Strings
11. Sakana Hosomi / Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
12. mi-gu / Venus, the Bringer of Peace

Konami POCE-7342
Out now (2006/11/15), ¥2800 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV

Posted on | Released on November 15, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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