TV soundtrack "kui tan 2"

"kui tan 2", successor to the popular food detective TV series, will start airing on April 14. Once again its soundtrack consists of classical music remixed by Konishi Yasuharu!

kui tan 2 airs on NTV every Saturday from 21:00, starting April 14.

kui tan official site
Previous series "kui tan" soundtrack

TV soundtrack "kui tan 2"
TVサウンドトラック 「喰いタン2」

喰いタン21. Georges Bizet / Prelude from "Carmen"
2. Giuseppe Verdi / Brindisi from "La Taraviata"
3. Maurice Ravel / Bolero
4. Antonio Vivaldi / Spring from "The Four Seasons" Allegro(I) ~alternate version~
5. Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky / Vii.Dance of the Reeds from "Nutcracker Suite.Op.71a"
6. Luigi Denza / Funiculi Funicula
7. Richard Wagner / Opera "die Walkure" Ride of the Valkyries
8. Antonio Vivaldi / Spring from "The Four Seasons" Allegro(I)
9. Johann Sebastian Bach / Concertio for Harpsicode No.5 in G minor BWV.1056

Vap VPCD-81564
Out 5/30, ¥2096 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV

Posted on | Released on May 30, 2007 | Comments (4) | Tweet |


C'est le même tracklisting que le premier ?
De nouvelles versions

Posted by Maxime Arsenault on May 11, 2007 at 00:21

T'as bien raison! Il semble que l'endroit où je l'ai prise était en erreur.
La bonne track list est ici à HMV. Je la mettrai à jour tout-à-l'heure. Merci!

Posted by Patrick on May 11, 2007 at 07:56

Je viens de voir le premier épisode sur YouTube... Omoshiroi desu ne !

Posted by Maxime Arsenault on May 15, 2007 at 04:29

Oui j'aime bien kui tan moi aussi, pas que la musique. :)

Posted by Patrick on May 15, 2007 at 21:02

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