Second Royal presents Freaky!: Halfby "Green Hours" Release Party

November will see the release of Halfby's first full-length album "Green Hours", and excellent Kyoto label Second Royal will be hosting a release party in Tokyo on October 1st! The album will be on sale at the event, a few days early from its announced release date!
This event also marks the beginning of the label's Japan tour "Triple Travel Tours 2005".

Anyone else up for a Wack Wack Rhythm Band/Cubismo Grafico Five -> Second Royal evening?

Second Royal presents Freaky!: Halfby "Green Hours" Release Party
on 10/1
at Shinjuku Oto

Takahashi Takahiro (Halfby)
Matsuno Mitsunori (Fredo)
Morino Yoshitaka (Handsomeboy Technique)
Ono Satoru (Toss & Volley)
Sarudog (Mu-Stars)

Starts at 22:00
Price: (advance ¥2000?), door ¥2500 (2 drinks?), (with flyer before midnight ¥1500 (1 drink)?)
Free limited special CD to 50 first arrived

Posted on | Released on October 1, 2005 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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