Ryuji Sawa "FG&Me" (Download)

Guitarist and singer-songwriter Sawa Ryūji has just released a mini-album of solo acoustic demos. This mini-album, of which the title refers to his Yamaha FG280 acoustic guitar, had been available at shows on CD-R since early last year and later to purchase digitally, but it has now been made available via subscription platforms. The songs featured are originals he wrote for his bands Sawa Ryuji Band, Fairy Brenda ("Pool") and NOS ("Hanabi").

Ryuji is known as a member of Kuroneko Chelsea (which went in hiatus in 2018). He's also lately seen playing in Zunō Keisatsu aka Brain Police, and as live support guitarist with Childish Tones (recent studio live performance).

Ryuji Sawa "FG&Me" (Download)
澤竜次 「FG&Me」

1. Safari No Yoru
2. Parallel Yoru
3. D.P.G
4. Orange
5. Pool
6. Hanabi (Japanese title "tōmawari shite kaerō")

Glass Family Record
Out now (2020/5/29)
Sample/buy: ‎Fg & Me - EP by 澤竜次 on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music

Find out more about: SAWA Ryuji

Posted on | Released on May 29, 2020 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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