Pulp Non-Fiction #1: Petset and eli live

Petset (MySpace), who recently released a new EP after a long release hiatus, and eli (aka Ellie, formerly of Love Tambourines), who also has a new solo album just out, can both be caught live in Shibuya on March 8! Both of these I've been wanting to catch live lately, I guess this is the time!
Also playing is Petset label mates TsuchiYaniBond, whose music is described as "tropicalismo meets Happy End", mixing soul, Brazilian, psychedelic and rock sounds.

Pulp Non-Fiction #1
on 3/8 (Saturday)
at Shibuya Lush


Opens at 18:30, starts at 19:00
Price: adv. ¥1800 (Lawson 72960), door ¥2000

Posted on | Released on March 8, 2008 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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