Perfume "Dream Fighter"

Perfume is back again with a new single, 2nd since their hit album "Game". As usual this is produced by capsule's Nakata Yasutaka, who has also been busy with new albums for his own band (out on the same day) and also Suzuki Ami.

The limited edition comes with a DVD containing the title track's music video, and different artwork.

Perfume "Dream Fighter" Limited editionPerfume "Dream Fighter"

1. Dream Fighter
2. negai
3. Dream Fighter (Original Instrumental)
4. negai (Original Instrumental)

Tokuma TKCA-73390
Out 11/19, ¥1239 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon, HMV, Amazon U.S.

Perfume "Dream Fighter" Regular editionTokuma TKCA-73395
Out 11/19, ¥953 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, HMV, Amazon U.S., Amazon U.S.

See also:
Perfume "First Tour 'GAME'" (DVD)
Perfume "love the world"
Perfume "Game"
capsule "MORE! MORE! MORE!"
Suzuki Ami "Supreme Show"

Find out more about: NAKATA Yasutaka, Perfume

Posted on | Released on November 19, 2008 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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