New agenda blog!

This is a brand new blog where I plan to occasionally announce upcoming music releases, club or live shows, movies, and other types of events that interest me in Tokyo.

I've been wanting to do this for a while, however I didn't want to clutter my main blog with announcements, since I prefer it to remain some sort of diary.

This is no attempt to be a complete schedule of everything that's good, but mainly what hasn't yet been mentioned elsewhere, and also personal notes of things I don't want to forget to buy or check out.

My favorite personal resources for music news remain Mark Wasiel's New Music Machine for CD releases in Japan and Mr Craig's Tokyo Gig Guide for live and club events in Tokyo.
Another essential is of course Jean Snow's blog, a magazine packed with information on movies, exhibitions, music, cafes, anime and more going on in Tokyo.

For a certain time, I have been posting these announcements mainly to P5ML (the International Pizzicato Five mailing list), which I plan to keep doing, but here I will be able to also provide images when available and more links, and also info about stuff that's not so related to Pizzicato Five.

So hook up to a feed ( RSS 1.0/RDF RSS 2.0 ATOM ), or at least bookmark this page, and stay tuned!

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The new Agenda thing is a great idea!
(thanks for the plug by the way)

Posted by Craig on June 11, 2004 at 23:48

Thanks a lot Craig! :)
I've changed my link to point to

Keep up your great work too!

Posted by Patrick on June 11, 2004 at 23:54

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