Nakatsuka Takeshi & videobrother "Hashire Shoujikimono" (Download)

Nakatsuka Takeshi (Qypthone) has just released a brand new track in collaboration with horn section band videobrother! The song "Hashire Shōjikimono" is a cover of an ending theme of TV anime series "Chibi Maruko-chan", originally sung by Saijō Hideki. It was arranged as an high-speed ska tune. The jacket artwork was drawn by manga artist Muramatsu Hiroki, known for his DJ-themed series "DJ dō".

The song will be released on 7" on February 24, with on the other side a cover of Sawada Kenji's "TOKIO". Pre-orders can already be done at Jet Set and HMV.

Nakatsuka Takeshi & videobrother "Hashire Shoujikimono" (Download)
中塚武とvideobrother 「走れ正直者」

Delicatessen Recordings
Out now (1/15)
Sample/buy: ‎HASHIRE SHOUJIKIMONO - Single by Takeshi Nakatsuka & videobrother on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music

Find out more about: NAKATSUKA Takeshi

Posted on | Released on January 15, 2021 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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