Machida Girls' Choir "hoshizora no Synthesizer" (Download)

Girl chorus group Machida Girls' Choir has released yet another new single digitally, this time a song written by Ishida Shōkichi.

This follows three more of the spacey series: "Planetarium no aru machi de" (‎プラネタリウムのある町で - Single by まちだガールズ・クワイア on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music), "Seven Stars" (‎セブンスターズ - Single by まちだガールズ・クワイア on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music) and "Voice In Space" (‎Voice In Space - Single by まちだガールズ・クワイア on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music).

Machida Girls' Choir "hoshizora no Synthesizer" (Download)
まちだガールズ・クワイア 「星空のシンセサイザー」

SAT Records/Machida Sonic LLC.
Out now (11/1)
Sample/buy: ‎まちだガールズ・クワイアの "星空のシンセサイザー - Single"をApple Musicで, Spotify, YouTube Music

Find out more about: Machida Girls Choir

Posted on | Released on November 1, 2021 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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