Here's the 2nd of two greatest hits albums covering the career of Hosono Haruomi. This one was selected by Oyamada Keigo (Cornelius) and contains 34 songs, entirely different from the previous one compiled by Hoshino Gen. Both the CD and LP editions will be released simultaneously.
Also out at the same time is a LP edition of the soundtrack to movie "Shoplifters" (Japanese title "manbiki kazoku") for which Hosono made the music, a movie famous for winning the Palme d'Or at Cannes 2018. The soundtrack was previously only released in digital form (, Spotify), and is being made available physically for the first time.
There will be special shows celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hosono's debut. First there's a 4-day series of events to be held at Ebisu Garden Place from October 11 to 14 (find all details here, tickets now on sale), then on November 30 will be a "special 50th anniversary show" at Tokyo International Forum Hall A, followed on December 1st by a show titled "Hosono Haruomi Yellow Magic Show 3" at the same place (tickets will be sold from September 28).
Hosono Haruomi "Hosono Haruomi compiled by Oyamada Keigo" (2xCD)
Disc 1
1. Ballade of Aya / Tin Pan Alley (Album "Caramel Mama")
2. Tokio Rush / Hosono Haruomi & Yellow Magic Band (Album "Haraiso")
3. Body Snatchers / Harry Hosono & The World Shyness (Album "Flying Saucer 1947")
4. Hurricane Dorothy / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Tropical Dandy")
5. damatte kike / Hosono Haruomi (NHK-BS2 "damatte suwatte jitto kike ~Native American oto no tabi~")
6. natsu nan desu / Happy End (Album "kazemachi Roman")
7. Shambhara Signal / Hosono Haruomi & Yellow Magic Band (Album "Haraiso")
8. Good Morning, Mr. Echo / swing slow (Album "swing slow")
9. Yume-Miru Yaku-Soku / Harry Hosono & The World Shyness (Album "Flying Saucer 1947")
10. tadaima / Hosono Haruomi (Album "HoSoNoVa")
11. Tokyo Shyness Boy / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Bon Voyage co.")
12. Honny Moon / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Tropical Dandy")
13. Hepatitis / Hosono Haruomi & Yokoo Tadanori (Album "Cochin Moon")
14. Radio Activity / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Heavenly Music")
15. Normandia / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Coincidental Music")
16. Rosemary, Tee Tree / Hosono Haruomi (Album "HoSoNoVa")
17. Choo Choo gatagoto - America hen / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Hochono House")
18. Rock-a-Bye My Baby (New ver.) / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Hochono House")
19. "Sayonara", The Japanese Farewell Song / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Bon Voyage co.")
Disc 2
1. The First One In Heaven / Hosono Haruomi (Album "The Endless Talking")
2. Laugh-Gas / Hosono Haruomi (Album "omni Sight Seeing")
3. Pure Jam / Yellow Magic Orchestra (Album "Technodelic")
4. Picnic / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Philharmony")
5. Rescue / HASYMO (Album "Ex Machina Original Soundtrack")
6. Metalic Velocity / Haruomi Hosono + Cornelius (Album "Ex Machina Original Soundtrack")
7. Gradated Grey / Yellow Magic Orchestra (Album "Technodelic")
8. Turn Turn / SKETCH SHOW (Album "Audio Sponge")
9. Air-Condition / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Philharmony")
10. Orgone Box / Hosono Haruomi (Album "omni Sight Seeing")
11. O.K. / Yellow Magic Orchestra (Album "Technodon")
12. Microtalk / SKETCH SHOW (Album "Audio Sponge")
13. Korendor / Hosono Haruomi (Album "omni Sight Seeing")
14. Stella / SKETCH SHOW (Album "Loophole")
15. Dark Side of the Star -chikyu no yoru ni mukete no yasōkyoku- / Hosono Haruomi (Album "S-F-X")
Victor VICL-65246
Out 9/25, ¥4400 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Amazon, HMV, Tower Records †, YesAsia, Far Side Music (UK)
† Tower Records ships directly within Japan only. International orders are available via WorldShopping.
Hosono Haruomi "Hosono Haruomi compiled by Oyamada Keigo" (3x12")
Disc 1
A1. Ballade of Aya / Tin Pan Alley (Album "Caramel Mama")
A2. Tokio Rush / Hosono Haruomi & Yellow Magic Band (Album "Haraiso")
A3. Body Snatchers / Harry Hosono & The World Shyness (Album "Flying Saucer 1947")
A4. Hurricane Dorothy / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Tropical Dandy")
A5. damatte kike / Hosono Haruomi (NHK-BS2 "damatte suwatte jitto kike ~Native American oto no tabi~")
A6. natsu nan desu / Happy End (Album "kazemachi Roman")
B1. Shambhara Signal / Hosono Haruomi & Yellow Magic Band (Album "Haraiso")
B2. Good Morning, Mr. Echo / swing slow (Album "swing slow")
B3. Yume-Miru Yaku-Soku / Harry Hosono & The World Shyness (Album "Flying Saucer 1947")
B4. tadaima / Hosono Haruomi (Album "HoSoNoVa")
B5. Tokyo Shyness Boy / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Bon Voyage co.")
B6. Honny Moon / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Tropical Dandy")
B7. Hepatitis / Hosono Haruomi & Yokoo Tadanori (Album "Cochin Moon")
Disc 2
A1. Radio Activity / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Heavenly Music")
A2. Normandia / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Coincidental Music")
A3. Rosemary, Tee Tree / Hosono Haruomi (Album "HoSoNoVa")
A4. Choo Choo gatagoto - America hen / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Hochono House")
A5. Rock-a-Bye My Baby (New ver.) / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Hochono House")
A6. "Sayonara", The Japanese Farewell Song / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Bon Voyage co.")
B1. The First One In Heaven / Hosono Haruomi (Album "The Endless Talking")
B2. Laugh-Gas / Hosono Haruomi (Album "omni Sight Seeing")
B3. Pure Jam / Yellow Magic Orchestra (Album "Technodelic")
B4. Picnic / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Philharmony")
B5. Rescue / HASYMO (Album "Ex Machina Original Soundtrack")
Disc 3
A1. Metalic Velocity / Haruomi Hosono + Cornelius (Album "Ex Machina Original Soundtrack")
A2. Gradated Grey / Yellow Magic Orchestra (Album "Technodelic")
A3. Turn Turn / SKETCH SHOW (Album "Audio Sponge")
A4. Air-Condition / Hosono Haruomi (Album "Philharmony")
A5. Orgone Box / Hosono Haruomi (Album "omni Sight Seeing")
B1. O.K. / Yellow Magic Orchestra (Album "Technodon")
B2. Microtalk / SKETCH SHOW (Album "Audio Sponge")
B3. Korendor / Hosono Haruomi (Album "omni Sight Seeing")
B4. Stella / SKETCH SHOW (Album "Loophole")
B5. Dark Side of the Star -chikyu no yoru ni mukete no yasōkyoku- / Hosono Haruomi (Album "S-F-X")
Victor VIJL-60219
Out 9/25, ¥7500 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Amazon, HMV, Tower Records (Japan only) †, Far Side Music (UK)
† Tower Records ships directly within Japan only. International orders are available via WorldShopping.
Hosono Haruomi "Shoplifters (manbiki kazoku) Original Soundtrack"
細野晴臣 「万引き家族 オリジナル・サウンドトラック」
A1. Shoplifters
A2. Yuri's Going Home
A3. Living Sketch
A4. Shota & Yuri 1
A5. Yuri & Shota's Shoplifting
A6. The Park
A7. Like A Family
A8. Nobuyo & Yuri
A9. Going To The Sea
A10. Beach
A11. Shota & Yuri 2
A12. Run Away
B1. The Empty Room
B2. Living Sketch (Revised)
B3. Image & Collage (Bonus Track)
B4. Shoplifter Mambo (Out take)
B5. Run Away (Alternative version)
B6. The Shoplifters (Out take)
Victor VIJL-60210
Out 9/25, ¥4000 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Amazon, HMV, Tower Records †
† Tower Records ships directly within Japan only. International orders are available via WorldShopping.
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Old rocker from California. I absolutely [...]" -Jeff
"Hello! I am currently trying to find two [...]" -jens
"I will always love Konishi-san, but God, [...]" -Damian
"I love the album. Konishi made a great selection [...]" -Jorge Cano
"I LOVE your music!! Thank you all so [...]" -James Walden
"Oops! So sorry and I'm very embarrassed. [...]" -James Walden
"I love the HEY GIRL track!! any idea of who [...]" -Damian
"Keep awaiting word for the vinyl release [...]" -Patrick
"en asturiano [...]" -pelayu
"I like Yuko because Yuko is a lovely..... [...]" -"O"
"oh this is great. i'm a huge yes, mama ok? [...]" -oliver
"best track is either shoplifting blues, sun [...]" -aviston
"Please come to Vienna/Europe aswell! [...]" -Eric Unbekannt
"can i translate this into chinese?it [...]" -percy
"This was such a great interview, thank you [...]" -Blutsvater3
"Rajamtaim please [...]" -Daison
"Wow! What a wonderful come back!! [...]" -Damian