Hoshikuzu Scat "eki / Tattoo"

Hoshikuzu Scat has released this month two new covers, "eki" and "Tattoo", both of which were oriiginally sung by Nakamori Akina in 1986 and 1988 respectively. "eki" was written by Takeuchi Mariya who also did a self-cover in 1987. Hoshikuzu Scat's cover of "eki" was arranged by Nakatsuka Takeshi.

A CD edition of the single contains a bonus extended mix of "TATTOO". The two main songs are also available digitally.

Hoshikuzu Scat "eki / Tattoo"
星屑スキャット 「駅 / TATTOO」

1. eki
3. TATTOO (Extended Fall Mix)

euclid agency EACD-5001
Out now (12/7), ¥1364 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Amazon, HMV, Tower Records (Japan only)
† Tower Records ships directly within Japan only. International orders are available via WorldShopping.

Hoshikuzu Scat "eki" (Download)
星屑スキャット 「駅」

euclid agency
Out now (12/7)
Sample/buy: ‎星屑スキャットの "駅 - Single"をApple Musicで, Spotify, OTOTOY

Hoshikuzu Scat "Tattoo" (Download)
星屑スキャット 「TATTOO」

euclid agency
Out now (12/7)
Sample/buy: ‎星屑スキャットの "TATTOO - Single"をApple Musicで, Spotify, OTOTOY

Find out more about: hoshikuzu Scat, NAKATSUKA Takeshi

Posted on | Released on December 7, 2022 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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