Dark Model "Dark Model"

Dark Model is the latest project of Tatsuya Oe (aka Captain Funk), who now resides in New York. This is a first full-length album, instrumental and with a cinematic feel. This is available on CD through CD Baby, and also digitally on iTunes and Amazon MP3.

"A spine-tinglingly epic and relentlessly bold odyssey of sounds & beats consisting of futuristic and edgy orchestral electronica from Tatsuya Oe (Captain Funk), an electronic music master who was born in the land of Godzilla and Kurosawa, now residing in Gotham City." Read more about the album here.

Some alternate versions also seem to be available on BandCamp.

Dark Model "Dark Model"

1. Dance of Wrath
2. Fate
3. Close to Infinity
4. Broken Arrows
5. Onibi
6. Hope Is Never Gone
7. Candle in the Desert
8. Ran
9. Double Cross
10. Prayer for the New Moon
11. Moment of Truth
12. Judgment Day
13. Abandoned
14. I Will Return
15. Farewell to the Moon
16. Oath (Dubstep Remix)

Model Electronic Inc. MECD-1004
Out now (5/16)
Order: Dark Model by Dark Model, Amazon MP3 U.S., Amazon MP3 Japan, CD Baby

Find out more about: Captain Funk

Posted on | Released on May 16, 2014 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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