"Daikanyama monogatari ~ The Detective Is Born" (DVD)

Accompanying this year's release of Shindō Mitsuo's new film "otoko wa sore o gaman dekinai", his all-star 1998 film "Daikanyama monogatari", previously only available on VHS, is being re-released on DVD! The film features Sasaki Jun (Cosa Nostra), Natsuki Mari, Comoesta Yaegashi, Tei Towa, UA, Nomiya Maki, Monsieur Kamayatsu and many others.
Also available will be a limited edition containing the CD soundtrack that accompanied the original VHS release.

Daikanyama monogatari ~ The Detective Is Born"Daikanyama monogatari ~ The Detective Is Born" (DVD)
(1998, 60 minutes, color, 4:3, probably region 2)

Limited edition (DVD+CD)
Columbia COZA-214
Out 8/23, ¥6800 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon (22% off *)
* Discount at time of writing

Regular edition (DVD only)
Columbia COBA-4571
Out 8/23, ¥3000 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon (22% off *)
* Discount at time of writing

(Artwork to be added when available.)

Posted on | Released on August 23, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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