Crazy Ken Band "abuku"

Crazy Ken Band is back again with a new single including two new songs and two remixes ("Cosmic Night Run" feat. m-flo and Nomiya Maki).
Comes in a limited edition with extra DVD. ii ne!!!

Crazy Ken Band "abuku"Crazy Ken Band "abuku"
クレイジーケンバンド 「あぶく」

CD track list
1. abuku
2. asa
3. koroshitai hodo suki (jōnen no Mix) (Remixed by CKB-Annex)
4. Cosmic Night Run (mankan zenseki shiyō) (Remixed by CKB-Annex)
5. abuku (Karaoke)

DVD track list
1. abuku

Substance BSCL-35018
Out ¥12 (excl. 10% tax)/1, ¥1470
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon

Posted on | Released on December 1, 2004 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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