Atom™ & Masaki Sakamoto "Alien Symphony"

Atom™ (aka Atom Heart) joins pianist/neurologist Masaki Sakamoto for a first original album titled "Alien Symphony" out now in Japan. Guest vocalists include Koshi Miharu.

Also available on iTunes is a special album of remixed tracks from the album: ATOM? & MASAKI SAKAMOTO - METEOR SHOWER from "Alien Symphony"

Atom™ & Masaki Sakamoto "Alien Symphony"

1. Epilogue
2-5. The Body Suite (as for the physical contact)
6-9. Bonjour Mademoiselle Humanoïde (as for the emotional contact)
10-15. Naughty Science (as for the rational contact)
16-21. 5.17 Minutes With Miss Eternity (as for the metaphysical contact)
22-26. Foreign Tongues (as for the spiritual contact)
27-38. Close Encounter (as for the musical contact)
39-40. The Body Suite II (as for the last physical contact)
41. Prologue

Full track list after the jump.

Musicmine IDCS-1032
Out now (5/19), ¥2500 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: CDJapan, Amazon, HMV, YesAsia

Teaser clips on YouTube:

Full track list:

01. Tuning in

THE BODY SUITE (as for the physical contact)
02. Body Fluid (first movement)
03. Body Secret
04. Body Fluid (second movement)
05. Body Chop

BONJOUR MADEMOISELLE HUMANOÏDE (as for the emotional contact)
06. Bonjour Mademoiselle Humanoïde (first movement)
07. La Danse Excentrique
08. Premières Amours
09. Bonjour Mademoiselle Humanoïde (second movement)

NAUGHTY SCIENCE (as for the rational contact)
10. Ding Dong
11. Naughty Science (first movement)
12. N20 (inhale) (first movement)
13. Naughty Science (second movement)
14. Ding Dong Chop
15. Acid (chemistry)

5.17 MINUTES WITH MISS ETERNITY (as for the metaphysical contact)
16. In Cosmological Seas
17. Miss Eternity (first movement)
18. Geodesic
19. Miss Eternity (second movement)
20. Miss Eternity (third movement)
21. Miss Eternity (fourth, geodesic movement)

FOREIGN TONGUES (as for the spiritual contact)
22. N2O (exhale) (second movement)
23. N2O (elevate) (third movement)
24. N2O (speak) (fourth movement)
25. Foreign Tongues (first movement)
26. Foreign Tongues (back in time) (second movement)

CLOSE ENCOUNTER (as for the musical contact)
27. Close Encounter (approaching) (first movement)
28. Close Encounter (second movement)
29. Close Encounter (third movement)
30. Close Encounter (fourth movement)
31. Close Encounter (fifth movement)
32. Close Encounter (Leaving) (sixth movement)
33. Kosmischer Atem
34. Cosmoparticlefunk (first movement)
35. Cosmoparticlefunk (second movement)
36. Alien's Delight (first movement)
37. Leçon d'amour
38. Alien's Delight (second movement)

THE BODY SUITE II (as for the last physical contact)
39. Body Fluid (third movement)
40. Body Fluid (fourth movement)

41. Tuning out

Find out more about: Atom TM, KOSHI Miharu, Masaki SAKAMOTO

Posted on | Released on May 19, 2010 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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