Nipopo "tongarikick.exe"

Tongarikids' vocalist Nipopo, who has previously remixed Nomiya Maki loves m-flo's "Big Bang Romance", has a first solo album coming up. Tongarikids are best known for a hip-hop track sampling Super Mario Brothers' theme.
The album comes in two flavors: regular edition (CD only) and limited edition (CD+DVD). Random limited edition packages are said to contain a Nameneko driver's license.

Nipopo "tongarikick.exe"
ニポポ 「tongarikick.exe」

Nipopo "tongarikick.exe"1. Intro
2. D-Push
3. o New Face Summer
4. airport Ibaraki '96
5. electria
6. sonota no zasshu 48
7. Ha-Shi-Ya-Su-Mix
8. Techno no temariuta
9. Deutsch-sei no megane

DVD (limited edition only)
1. D-push! (video clip)
2. o New Face Summer (video clip)

Limited edition (CD+DVD)
Tokuma TKCA-73072
Out 7/26, ¥1905 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon (10% off *)
* Discount at time of writing

Regular edition (CD only)
Tokuma TKCA-73073
Out 7/26, ¥1905 (excl. 10% tax)
Order: Play-Asia, Amazon

Posted on | Released on July 26, 2006 | Comments (0) | Tweet |


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